Lawton Area Fun Flyers Society


February 9th & 10th, 2008

February 9th
Wow!!!! What a day. Just in case anybody forgot, here's what the field looked like when we started this morning.


But it doesn't look anything like that anymore!!!! In fact, it looks just a little bit like a RC flying runway. There were some doubts at the beginning of the day on how much we could get done, but as the day ended everybody was totally shocked at the amount of work that did get accomplished. Everybody that showed up rolled up their sleeves and got to work. When the day was over all of the main runway was in place and at least partially tacked down with staples. We will still need to go back tomorrow and finish putting staples in on all of the runway pieces, and we also need to install and tack down the pits and taxiway for the morning side pits. At the end of the day we still had enough extra material for patches on the runway (yes, we need to do that tomorrow as well) as well as a very nice piece for a heli pad in the helicopter training area. The material is supposed to shrink tight in the heat and sun, and even in the cool 60° weather today we saw portions of the runway start to tighten up. The first good day of sun and some warm weather should tighten it up like a drum! All in all it was an outstanding day of work, and it shows!!!

Jerry Knight holds the material down as Trevor Strupp secures it with a staple

Jerry Chinnow and Steve Jakubiszyn work on the runway material

The crew works on putting down the last center strip of material

The center strip is in place, 1/3 of the runway is down

The crew starts on one side.

Securing the side.

Trevor Strupp and his kids, Tyler 5 and Hailey 3, come out to help daddy build the runway

Tyler Strupp shows his dad how to put the staples in the runway

The crew hard at work putting down one side of the runway

It's coming right along.

The last piece of the main runway going in.

All the pieces are in and down. All that is left is final staples and building the pits

South of the runway looking north

South end of the runway looking North

Looking North from the South end.

From the runway.

The last of the crew discussing the day

More discussion.

Looking good.

Almost ready to fly

More "discussion"!

Everybody is too tired to move!!

Looking at the South end of the runway.

February 10th
Sunday turned out to be a much colder day to work than Saturday was, but we still had a good turn out for getting more work done. We worked on getting more staples into the runway to better secure it. On Saturday that last pieces we placed were held down with enough staples to keep the material in place. We worked on filling in those staples by putting down "tweeners" (staples placed between what was put down at first). We will need to purchase some more staples to fully secure the runway, but for the most part it is complete.

We also placed the morning pits today. We were hoping to put the pits directly in the center of the runway, but because of some deep washes in that area we had to more the pits a bit south of center. We place one taxiway out of the pits and angled it so that it enters the runway at almost the center point of the runway. The second taxiway placed into the pits. This gives us two taxiways in and out of the pits, which will serve has an entry and exit for the runway.



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