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2017 Chili Fly
If today’s edition of the annual New Year’s Day “Chili Fly” is any indication, LAFFS can look forward to many more days in 2017 of flying in great weather, with clear skies and light breezes. Having suffered through ice, brutal winds, below freezing temperatures, and impenetrable fog in past years, today was close to unbelievable as far as weather and temperature were concerned. While many came bundled up early, coats and jackets were peeled off as temperatures rose and more and more flights took to the air. The first great flying opportunity of the New Year was augmented by great-tasting chili, courtesy of Bob McFadden, Ken Isaac, and Sean Holmgren, and a large selection of “fixin’s” and deserts brought by other club members in a pot-luck fashion. The backdrop for all of this was the newly bladed and packed runway surface to the west of the current runway, just waiting for its new covering. All in all, it was a terrific day of flying, friendship, and anticipation of more fun days to come. The attached photos illustrate what has to be labeled the best “Chili Fly” in the club’s history.
LAFFS Float Report- 29 Nov 2016
The day was too windy to fly, so some of us went out to Lake Helen to sail in the afternoon. Ron, Paul, Clem, Don, and Larry got there at various times, but by 2 pm we were all there comfy in our chairs. Wind was nice about 8-10 mph. The sun was shining and it wasn’t even chilly. We noted that it might be really hot in summer out there, so we will enjoy the covered pier at the VA Center. (more…)
Friday’s sailing (28-Oct-2016)
The forecasts of marginal wind conditions were correct—except instead of the 9-14 mph prognosticated by several weather centers, the wind speed at 9 a.m. was nada—zip—zero! About 10 o’clock or so breezes started to come and go and permitted some nice runs across the lake; however, the wind did not become steady until just before I left about 11:00. (more…)
Liberty Lake sailing this morning.
Six intrepid sailors showed up at Liberty Lake this morning and had a fine session with all six boats in the water at one time. Everyone had a great time, even when figuring out how to get a snared boat off of the fountain buoy by bumping it with other boats. Don Haines’ custom 17 ft. pole with its “shepherd’s crook” proved very useful for putting boats in the water at an acceptable depth and retrieving them so they didn’t bang against the concrete footings of the little dock at the south end of the lake. It was also just the ticket for shoving boats back into deeper water when they ventured close enough to the shore to get their keels mired in the muck.... Read More
Wingz-n-Dawgz 2016
This year’s “Wingz-n-Dawgz” is now history with 32 club members and relatives who came to the event. We managed to duck under the rain that came as far west as Lowes along Cache Road, but nary a drop on Elkins Field! The cloud cover provided a bit of a challenge in the air, as did the wind as it increased down the runway throughout the morning.... Read More
LAFFS REPORT- Indoor Flying- 17 Sep 2016
There was flying, crashing, at least one midair, rubber-band winding, super glueing, BS’n, retrieving from the basketball net, bouncing off the ceiling, round-n-rounding, and much more. There were about 9 flyers there, which is a nice turnout for indoor. We covered our expense and then a little–perfect.... Read More