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Category Archives: Flight Reports

LAFFS REPORT- Indoor Flying- 17 Sep 2016

There was flying, crashing, at least one midair, rubber-band winding, super glueing, BS’n, retrieving from the basketball net, bouncing off the ceiling, round-n-rounding, and much more. There were about 9 flyers there, which is a nice turnout for indoor. We covered our expense and then a little–perfect.... Read More

LAFFS Report- 15 Sep 2016

It was another nice day for the LAFFS gang at the VA Lake. Steve & Tom flew their Tidewater seaplanes and Don flew his Apprentice seaplane. It was perfect—calm winds and glassy water. Landings were all perfection, just sliding on to the surface. There were a bunch of active duty military guys and several resident vets out today who watched us for a while. There were also boats there as usual. Ray sailed his new sailboat, along with Steve’s Surmount, Clem’s Nirvana and Paul’s Surmount sailboats. The wind was lighter than we would have liked, but as I’ve said before, sailing is an aerodynamic experience and light winds teach you how to get the most from a sailboat’s airfoil. Larry ran his Rescue/Fire boat and squirted water at us all with the water cannon. He really likes doing that! He also blasted around with a little Rio, a really fast small boat. Clem ran his ski boat around and got so interested in watching the sailboats, he forgot about his boat until he heard yelling from the shoreline. The ski boat had crashed into the reeds near the dock. More entertainment for the spectators. Steve even drove his recovery boat around the lake for a while to demonstrate its capability.... Read More

Sunday morning at the VA Center

The real world interfered with me getting there early enough to get some airplane flight shots, but apparently there were three planes in the air at the same time, attesting to good conditions before the wind picked up. Attached are some shots of the boating activities, highlighted by Paul joining the sailboat brigade. Also are shots of Ron’s great tug, my new Rio Off Shore boat, Clem’s two airboats, Dan’s swamp buggy, and Dan’s “Skipper” heading to the dock after experiencing a quirky aileron during flight.... Read More

Oh, what a beautiful morning…

They just don’t get much better than this as far as light winds and no surface chop at the VA Center lake. This is the first time we’ve been able to put up over a dozen flights (sometimes as many as three “Tidewaters” in the air at the same time!) with great take-offs and landings and no real retrieval issues that cropped up. Dan flew his “Skipper” (sorry, I got there after it flew), Don his “Apprentice”, and Steve, Tom and I our “Tidewaters”. Ron ran his airboat, Dan his swamp buggy, and I floated my Chris-Craft look-alike several times during the morning. Steve is sneaking up on the motor problems that he is having with his glow-powered boat, but it seems to be getting closer to a fix.... Read More

Today’s flying. 16-AUG-2016

My apologies for not having my camera with me on what would prove to be a memorably weird and wonderful day in several respects. ... Read More

Flying and floating at the VA Center this morning

The chop on the lake was a bit heavier than it was for our first session at the VA Center back in late July. Nonetheless, intrepid flyers and floaters took to the lake to test the waters.

Dan tried out his new swamp-buggy airboat, manned by an armed GI Joe, and managed to overcome some “dead-in-the-water” issues that proved troublesome early on. Steve’s new PVC/pool noodle rescue craft came to the rescue the first time and then ran out of juice and had to be rescued itself the second time.


Today we worked some more on the VA Lake facility. It’s almost finished with only some more reed clearing to do and anti-skid put on the dock. Steve, Tom, Don, and I worked for several hours today and built a gate so we can easily access the launch area. We also cleared some more reeds and prepared the area for launching airplanes and boats. This will be an outstanding RC area for us.

I will send out a map and instructions for getting into the area. Steve will have some keys made to unlock our gate. (no, combination locks are not allowed because of difficulty opening them in an emergency or in the dark).

LAFFS Float Fly report- 21 June 2016

After making arrangements with the VA center to use their lake for RC float flying we decided we needed a test flying day. This was supposed to be a quiet, opportunity for us to check out the flight pattern and feasibility of the lake for general RC float flying. After we are satisfied that this lake is usable, we’ll proceed with helping clear the overgrowth of tall reeds and brush at the water’s edge all around the lake. It’s a beautiful facility with a large covered pavilion, restrooms, a covered dock extending way out into the lake, and a staff of generous people anxious for us to be there.

Two great flying days–two new airplanes

Yesterday my Great Planes “Stuka JU-87” was maidened with mixed results. The engine flamed out on take-off and rolled into the hog wallow at the north end of the runway. That foray with the hog residue broke off the fiberglass spats and caused the remainder of the two flights to be made without the trademark look of a Stuka. Nonetheless, it flew well and will be out of the shop in no time.

What a great day for flying!

Here are some images from yesterday–some of them self-explanatory, some requiring some additional information. Ron got his new VQ Mustang really dialed in after some initial engine tinkering; Paul flew his newly acquired Hog Bipe in a most entertaining fashion; Dan wowed us all with his UFO and electric; Clem flew his reverse electric conversion Cub most realistically;
Bob perfected his landings with his Four Star 60 (sort of); I flew my Venture and Twinstar EP; Steve buddy-boxed Don, who insisted in cavorting with Mother Nature; Tom’s 4-60 was steady and reliable; and…a good time was had by all! If you weren’t there, we missed you!... Read More