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Author Archives: LawtonAreaFunFlyers

Saturday’s Flying

It was by any measure one of the nicest days we’ve had this spring, and although all flights didn’t go as everyone wanted or expected, here’s a sample of the planes at Elkins Field Saturday. Check the weather report—we need several of these kinds of days to make up for the past month!... Read More

2019 Area Events Schedule

Jun.... Read More

Sunday Morning Flying

It started off a little chilly, but got better as the morning went on. By noon, there was quite a bit of activity as more than half a dozen LAFFers put up flights. Sunday’s planes of interest were Harold Anderson’s wildly acrobatic “RV-8” and his quick Eflite “Viper”. Here are a few shots of the two. Flying season is getting closer!... Read More

Saturday Flying, 5-Jan-2019

Taking advantage of a break in the ice/snow/wind/ weather Saturday, a good representation of LAFFers eased around the water-filled entrance road and muddy field conditions to enjoy a fine morning of flying with little wind and bright sunshine. Highlights of the morning included Matt Biga’s new Freewing “F-86 Sabre” (my childhood favorite airplane), and Steve Bell’s Dynam “Me-262”, which had patiently waited for its maiden flight for a couple of years. Suffice it to say, the wait was worth it. The plane was eye-catching and impressive in it’s performance in the hands of Matt Biga. (more…)

Sunday Flying

Believing the weather forecast for yesterday, club members were charged and primed to fly in the morning, only to be met with a “gotcha” from Mother Nature. However, as the day progressed and increasing temperatures were accompanied by less and less wind, there were a lot of flights put up at Elkins Field by more and more people later in the afternoon.


Chilly day–new planes

Although the temperature kept everyone’s hands in their pockets at least part of the time, a good-sized group of LAFFers showed up this morning to fly in a light to moderate cross-wind. Tom Regan, Harold Anderson, and Dan Nicar all brought their latest flying acquisitions. Dan’s was his newly finished “Long John” constructed from a kit from the 90s and powered by an OS engine. (more…)

Wingz n Dawgz write up by Larry Kruse

As Tom Regan so aptly put it, last Saturday we held an event that could have been called “Wingz-n-Fog” given the heavy overcast and mist. Even though flying could not begin in earnest until almost 1:00, the weather did provide and opportunity for folks to visit, something that doesn’t always happen when the skies are clear and planes are in the air. Because the event had to be postponed from the previous weekend due to weather, our expected out-of-town guests were not in attendance; however, we did have an excellent representation of club members, and a great meal presided over by our BBQ Chef-in-Residence, Ken Reitsma. Ken handled all of the cooking chores as well as setting up the food line and making sure everyone had their fill. A special thanks goes to Don Haines, whose donated propane tank (stored in the trailer) let Ken cook great hamburgers, brats, and hot dogs.


Wingz – n – Dawgz 2018

It took a while for the fog and the sky to clear, but it finally did and we had some good flying weather after the excellent lunch. There are on-ground and on-board videos of the large glider tow and flight after the pictures.


2018 Area Events Schedule

Remaining 2018 events:... Read More

Big glider towing at Elkins Field

Those who were at Elkins Field to witness the first-ever attempted big glider/big tow plane flying this morning were amply entertained. The plan was to tow Matt Biga’s 165” E-flite “Blanik”, (flown by Matt) with his equally large World Models “Clipped Wing Cub”(piloted by Harold Anderson), using a relative short tow-line.

After a semi-successful first attempt, foiled by the tow-line coming off the tow plane, the second flight was spectacular, enhanced by the smoke canisters on the 25 lb. “Blanik’s” wing tips. A blue sky would have improved the photos, but the flight couldn’t have been more successful. Excitement ramped up as the flight concluded with a bit more spoiler application than the glider needed and a smoking “Blanik” landing a bit prematurely in the tall grass at the south end of the runway.