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Author Archives: LawtonAreaFunFlyers
LAFFS 2013 – Aero-tow glider launch, 8-3-2013
Hey everybody,... Read More
Saturday Flight Report – July 20th, 2013
Had a great day at the field today. Instead of the normal flight report that we are all used to seeing, I’ve put together a video flight report from the day.... Read More
Sunday Flight Report – June 30th, 2013
I have a short flight report for everybody today. Paul, Bob M, Larry, Bob K, and myself showed up at the field today. The winds were up a bit, but blowing for the most part straight down the runway from the north, however it got really weird and made for choppy and bobbling landings from all. Bob M made a couple of flights on his Stick, Paul flew a couple on his Kaos 60, Larry got a flight in on his Hellcat after he figured out the problems he was having yesterday were caused by and ESC that developed a mind of it’s own, Bob K watched, and I got a couple of flights in on my 4-Star 120. However, today I had a new toy. I purchased a new video camera designed for capturing action video, and I wanted to test it out today. I strapped the camera on the top of the left wing of my 4-Star to try and get in flight video from it. I wanted to see how the camera handled vibration and if I could make a good solid mount for it to use in my videography that I do for www.rcuniverse.com. With the camera on the wing the plane really flew well. At first I thought my bouncy landings were caused from the camera on the wing, but after seeing everybody else fighting the choppy winds I realized it wasn’t the camera, but rather the winds. The plane handled well with camera and I was able to get some really good video out of it. I’ve edited out the best part of the videos and posted it up on the Club’s YouTube channel. If anybody is interested they can watch the video here:... Read More
The KSWO Channel 7 story about the Wingz and Dawgz fun fly
Thanks to the club members with connections. :)... Read More
Polar Bear Fly – January 1st, 2010
The ground was frozen enough to drive in on and some flying got done. Larry, Paul, Kris, Steve, Jerry, and Ken attended. They did their best to appease the weather gods as they all got birds in the air. They flew for about an hour, but as the ground warmed up they needed to get out before it turned to mud and they would get stuck. It was cold, foggy, and muddy but they got the flying done!... Read More
2009 Mall Show
The Lawton Area Fun Flyer Society’s first model airplane show held recently at Central Mall in Lawton was deemed a “great success” by LAFFS club president Ken Isaac. “We had steady traffic all day,” Isaac said, “with people waiting to use our three flight simulators and a lot of questions about the models, particularly the jet turbine model displayed by Brent Brennan, and the big Russian Yak 54 owned by Jerry Chinnow. (more…)
Model Club’s New Flying Field Ready—Military Welcome, by Larry Kruse
It’s been a busy year for the Lawton Area Fun Flyers Society radio control model airplane club since the model flying site at Ft. Sill was closed, but everything is now in place for the new outdoor flying season, according to Ken Isaac, the club’s president. “We’re particularly pleased to have our new flying field complete and available this year,” Isaac said, “and we welcome members of the military who currently participate in the hobby or would like to do so. We have several model flyers posted at Ft. Sill who are currently club members and would like to have others join us. Because of deployments and re-assignments, we have special provisions for short-term club membership.”... Read More
Learn To Fly
Over the years many people have been interested in flying Radio Controlled planes and helicopters only to have that interest smashed when they crash on the first flight attempt. Unfortunately the old adage of “what goes up must come down” comes into play in a big way here. While there are the rare few out there that are born naturals who can fly a plane/helicopter without instruction, the vast majority of people who try to learn to fly on their own usually wind up learning to repair more than learning to fly. And this can be very discouraging to most people and they just give up. So that’s where a club and an instructor come into play. Here at LAFFS we utilize a buddy box setup to instruct new students to fly. With the buddy box the instructor has the “real” radio in his hands while the student has a “dummy” box in his, with both boxes connected by a cord. To allow the student to fly the instructor must press a button or switch in order for the student to have control of the plane/heli. When the student gets into trouble the instructor simply releases the button and once again has control of the airplane, thus saving it from crashing. By using this system the student can advance through flight training without the worry of having their plane/heli crash, which makes the entire learning process much more enjoyable. Take a look at our FAQ below to answer more of the questions you may have about learning to fly.... Read More
Flying Field Construction (by Ken Isaac)
For almost 40 years the RC pilots in this area have flown on a RC runway located on Ft. Sill, Ok. In 2007 the Army informed us that they would be reusing the land to make room to house new units relocation to Ft. Sill. On the week of Christmas 2007 the bulldozers went to work and officially removed our old runway. Facing the cold harsh reality of not having a place to fly the pilots of this area banded together and got to work finding a new location. In just a little bit over 6 weeks we not only built a new flying field, but we also formed and chartered a new AMA club (for many reasons we did not have a club while flying on Ft. Sill). This took a lot of effort on the part of all the members of LAFFS and each and every one of them is proud of what we have built for ourselves. Please take a few minutes and look over the pictures of our getting this new field in and built. (more…)