Welcome to the website for Lawton Area Fun Flyer Society (LAFFS). LAFFS was created in the early 1980’s as an AMA Chartered Club but was later disbanded due to several factors. In 2008 the club was reactivated in order to build a new flying field for the RC pilots of the Lawton/Ft. Sill Oklahoma area.
LAFFS is an AMA Chartered Club and abides by all rules and guidelines set forth by the AMA. We are proud to participate in the AMA District VIII.
The Lawton Area Fun Flyer Society promotes and encourages all types of flying within the RC hobby, including RC planes, RC helicopters, RC Gliders, Free Flight, as well as the new AMA Park Pilot Program.
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New Year’s Day 2025 brought promise of a good flying year. Temperature started out in the mid-20s and the winds were light- about 6 mph with a slight crosswind from the North. But the wind dropped off to 3 mph about noon. Then, to paraphrase BB King: ‘The Chill Was Gone’ and it was perfect. We had a nice turnout of 15 members. Bob McFadden and Leonard Baker brought homemade chili for us to enjoy and several people brought sides and goodies to share. Thanks to Leonard and Bob who got there at the butt-crack of dawn to get everything set up. There were several tents and propane heaters, so it was comfortable even in the chilly breeze.
The good news was that there were NO crashes. A couple highlights included Kris Frost flying a cargo airplane that dropped paratroopers. Al Hemphill brought his giant biplane which looked and sounded like a full scale in the air! He even coached John Macfadzean to fly it solo. Al’s big birds are always a special treat for us. Mike Mazzo brought a spectacular new flight table he had built of metal that will last forever. Maybe we could talk him into making some more! Everyone got to fly and it was great to sit and enjoy the company of good friends while gobbling up some great chili.
We did our part to appease the Gods and now the LAFFS New Year’s Chili Fly -2025 is in the history books. So, we are ready for a great flying year.
(photos by Clem)
Thanks Harold, for calling up and leading the Old RC Guard in Honor of Dr. Kruse. It was a great day of flying with lots of flights logged. We all had a good time and lucked out with perfect flying weather.
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Mike and Harold did some formation flying with their electric ducted fan jets as the crew watched and Tom was sky high (with his motor-glider)